Suppress itching! Soft care methods for women in their 30s
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I'm Sato, a staff member of "up me".
This time's theme is "Suppress itching! Soft care methods for women in their 30s."
Itching on your skin can occur at random moments during your busy daily life. Women in their 30s in particular are prone to skin problems due to their busy lives with work and family.
At times like these, how much easier would it be if you could relieve the itching with a simple soft care method that you can easily do at home?
You will be able to live your daily life with confidence while paying close attention to your beauty and health.
Soft care for itching all over the body, including women's delicate zones, not only protects the skin, but also cares for the mind.
We would like to introduce a care method that women in their 30s can continue to use right away with a little effort on a daily basis.
Return to the basics of skin care
The first step to taking care of itching begins by going back to the basics of skin care.
What your skin needs is plenty of moisture.
For women in their 30s, the ability of their skin to retain moisture gradually begins to decline, so it is important to take good care of their skin's moisture content.
Also, be careful with your skin care. Avoid rubbing your skin too much or pressing it too hard, and be gentle with a smooth touch.
Adjust your body from the inside
Healthy skin requires care from within the body.
A well-balanced diet, proper sleep, and stress control are the shortcuts to beautiful skin.
In particular, by actively consuming foods with anti-inflammatory properties, you can suppress the inflammation that causes itching. Also, hydration is important.
By moisturizing your body from within, it prevents your skin from drying out and prevents itching.
Review of daily life
The causes of itching are often hidden in daily life.
For example, consideration must be given to substances that come into direct contact with the skin, such as laundry detergents, fabric softeners, clothing and bed linen materials.
Choose additive-free and hypoallergenic products that are gentle on your skin.
Also, when taking a bath, it is recommended that you do not heat the water too high and take a short bath with lukewarm water. Be careful not to wash too much as this can also irritate your skin.
consult an expert
In addition to taking care at home, it is also important to seek professional advice.
Consult with us regarding your daily skin condition and lifestyle habits.
In some cases, allergies or skin conditions may be the cause of the itching, so prompt action is required.
Select and consult with an appropriate specialist, such as a cosmetic dermatologist or allergist.
Cherish your relaxing time
Taking time to relax has a huge positive impact on your mental and physical health.
Aromatherapy after bathing or relaxing while listening to soothing music can help relieve stress.
Stress often causes skin problems, so try to actively relax.
Women in their 30s can keep their skin healthy and get rid of small, uncomfortable itchiness on a daily basis by continuing to take care of themselves even when they are busy.
From this age, it is important to pay attention to things like careful skin care, a balanced diet, stress management, and how to choose the items around you to live a beautiful and healthy life.
Please feel free to continue the soft care method for your skin at home.
Also, if you have any concerns, please consult a specialist.
We support you every day in solving your familiar problems with confidence!