The secret of hormonal balance that supports health and beautiful skin in your 40s
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I'm Sato, a staff member of "up me".
The theme this time is "The secret of hormone balance that supports health and beautiful skin in your 40s."
1.First of all:
The human body is regulated by a complex network of hormones.
In particular, as women age, the hormonal balance that affects the health of their skin changes significantly during menopause.
We will explain in detail the relationships behind the skin problems that occur during this period of fluctuation, and suggest countermeasures.
2. What is the definition of menopause?
Menopause is an important life stage mainly experienced by women, and refers to the period when reproductive function gradually declines and menopause begins.
It often begins between the ages of 45 and 55, but the timing and symptoms vary greatly from person to person.
During this period, female hormones such as estrogen decrease, and many changes occur in the body.
3. Basic relationship between skin and hormones:
The skin is an organ that is easily influenced by hormones, and estrogen in particular is extremely important for maintaining skin moisture and elasticity.
Estrogen plays an extremely important role in promoting the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid and maintaining the youthfulness of your skin.
4. Skin problems specific to menopause:
During menopause, the decrease in estrogen can cause noticeable dryness, sagging, wrinkles, and dullness of the skin.
The skin's barrier function decreases, making sensitive skin and acne more likely due to hormonal imbalance.
5. Effects of changes in hormonal balance on the skin:
Changes in hormonal balance during menopause are mainly caused by a decrease in estrogen, which causes a decline in the skin's ability to retain moisture and a decline in collagen production.
This causes a lack of moisture and loss of elasticity, leading to wrinkles and sagging.
6. Countermeasures for menopausal skin problems:
In order to effectively deal with menopausal skin problems, it is important to consume foods rich in antioxidants such as vitamins C and E and strive to prevent skin aging.
It is also recommended to focus on moisturizing care and use skin care products containing hyaluronic acid and ceramides.
7. Measures to improve hormone balance:
Yoga and light exercise can help reduce stress and balance adrenal hormones.
Physical and mental relaxation and getting enough sleep also help prevent stress-induced cortisol overproduction and maintain hormonal balance.
8. Things to keep in mind in daily life:
Daily lifestyle habits such as maintaining an appropriate amount of water intake, quitting smoking, maintaining a moderate amount of alcohol intake, and taking precautions against UV rays are extremely important in maintaining skin health.
It is also important to consult your doctor and choose the appropriate ointments and supplements.
9. Summary:
Menopause is a time of change in both the body and mind, and skin problems in particular are a strong reflection of these changes.
It is important to take care of yourself on a daily basis with appropriate knowledge and measures, and find a response that is tailored to your individual condition.
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