Causes of itching in the delicate zone and how to deal with it to keep it comfortable
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I'm Sato, a staff member at "up me".
The theme of this article is "The causes of itching in the delicate zone and how to deal with it comfortably." In the midst of our busy daily lives, we suddenly notice discomfort in the delicate zone.
Yes, it's the occasional itch.
This may just be a temporary symptom, but it could be a sign that some kind of medical attention is needed.
Taking care of your own body is especially important for women in their 30s and 40s who make an effort every day to maintain their youthfulness.
So why do sensitive areas itch?
To answer this question, we need to look at various factors that lurk in our daily lives.
There are many causes of itching, but changes in lifestyle and physical condition are thought to be a major factor.
First, you may experience itching due to irritation caused by clothing.
In particular, sensitive skin after hair removal tends to be very sensitive to fibers.
Additionally, synthetic fibers such as nylon and polyester tend to trap moisture on the skin and can be unhygienic, which can lead to itching.
The second possible cause is when the condition of the skin in the delicate area is involved.
The skin can become sensitive due to the influence of female hormones and daily stress. It is also not uncommon for the skin to become rough due to friction, sweat, and external stimuli.
Thirdly, improper washing and care methods can cause the balance to be disrupted.
The delicate areas are particularly sensitive, so using strong soaps or detergents can strip the skin of essential oils and moisturizing ingredients.
Taking these causes into consideration, in order to deal with itching, it is important to first be conscious of taking care of your delicate areas in your daily life.
For example, choose underwear made from natural materials, maintain a moderate level of breathability, and take thorough care after hair removal.
Another measure you can take is to use a cream containing vitamin C or its derivatives in delicate areas.
Vitamin C has antioxidant properties and is effective in improving skin condition. Vitamin C derivatives are said to be more easily absorbed by the skin than vitamin C itself, and are recommended for treating and caring for itching.
Regular moisturizing of the skin is also essential.
Moisturizing your skin will make it more resistant to external stimuli and less prone to itching. Moisturizing ingredients such as ceramide, hyaluronic acid, and glycerin support the skin's barrier function and help retain moisture.
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